I guide busy executive directors and Jewish leaders to raise more funds in less time. It’s just like having your own personal trainer wherever you are in the world. You’ll overcome those big hurdles and small blocks each time we speak, so the fundraising will flow more successfully.
Now, I’m happy to share a series of new podcasts to provide concrete strategies to increase your fundraising success. In the first three minute podcast, Fundraising on Fire – Make Your Donor the Hero, we will learn how to increase your donor’s financial support for your organization or institution by transforming your donor into ‘the hero.’
How is that possible?
Your donor wants to feel he is making a difference, that he is fixing a problem in the community, in Am Yisrael. This podcast will teach how to shift the way a fundraiser speaks to a donor to make him feel he is ‘the cause’ of all the good accomplished by an organization.
Let me know your success stories after trying this strategy. To subscribe to further podcasts, please go to: www.AvrahamLewis.com.