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We are going to learn a simple idea that will build powerful and valuable donor interactions. In between receiving donations, we want to look for ways to give something back to our donors. The bigger the donor, the more we want to have these building opportunities.
Before the Chaggim, there’s an additional opportunity to reach out to your donors. The Chaggim give us a reason to call and to be in contact. You’re probably already calling your donors to give them a warm Yom Tov Bracha and use the conversation to show more appreciation for
their support.
One way I’ve found that enhances this interaction is to ask your donor to share a D’var Torah or wisdom, which is especially appropriate before the Pesach Seder. I’ve noticed that some of the most secular Jews have something meaningful to say when you ask them to share their thoughts for Pesach.
You might want to ask them to share their wisdom in a way that helps their thoughts flow. For example, you say something like, “Jake, when you’re sitting with your family this year at your Pesach seder (like we’ve been doing for many millennia), what message or wisdom do you want to share with your children that is meaningful to you?”
This touchpoint works well because you, the Jewish educator, are asking them, the donor, to share their thoughts. This makes your donor feel empowered by the interaction.
For bonus points, write down what they say and you can share with them next Pesach what they said the year before! Have your own Torah thought to share, if needed, but go for listening to what they have to say and only share your insights if you sense they’re interested.
Email me to share the creative ideas that have worked for you to build great donor relationships. The best submission will win a copy of The Fundraiser’s Guide to Irresistible Communications with effective fundraising techniques to build even stronger donor interactions in the future. Looking forward to hearing your ideas!
Avraham Lewis, personal fundraising coach and charidy.com campaign specialist, is successfully guiding Torah organizations to raise more funds. If you would like to quickly understand how a personalized fundraising solution can increase the amount of funds you are raising, you can contact Avraham at: avrahamlewis@gmail.com.
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