We all love the idea of having “an additional stream of income,” but money doesn’t grow on trees. So is this “secondary income” actually possible? In the frum world, we’re seeing many forms of secondary income streams being added to businesses. Each of these works well in different scenarios. This list is just a starting point of ideas for you to start working on your own additional income stream.

People are using the following initiatives to generate more income:

  • Online courses
  • Workshops
  • Video series
  • Digital downloadable files
  • Webinars
  • Memberships
  • Books or other physical products
  • Affiliate programs

Online courses are skyrocketing because they are so versatile. They can complement almost any business, or be about a completely different area from an existing business. Courses can be launched repeatedly, and they scale extremely well. Specifically, online courses give you the opportunity to work with groups of students and clients, and instead of doing 1:1 work, spend that same hour teaching multiple people at once.

Secondary income streams are becoming more common as the “hustle” mentality finally eases out, and the “work less, make more” era begins. 

Mrs. Shalva Rosenberg is an Online Course Consultant guiding course creators through every step of planning successful, profitable, and strategic launches for their online courses. Want to learn more? Download my incredibly clear step-by-step course creation guide at: guide.shalvarosenberg.com

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