“TEDTalks, ideas worth spreading” was launched in 1984 focused around the convergence of technology, entertainment and design. Nearly three decades since its inception, rabbis and educators the world over find that TEDTalks serve as great points of education and inspiration. In fact, we have blogged here about where you can find a handy spreadsheet with nearly 900 TEDTalks organized by topic and
When it comes to learning about Jewish history, there are many wonderful books and websites out there to help you with your own study and to refer to students and congregants. However, as a rabbi or educator, it is hard to find time to extensively prepare for classes or learn about unknown but important figures from our past. Enter Dr. Hillel (Henry) Abramson.
The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) has recently created “Gabbai2Gabbai,” a monthly forum via conference call to aid the development of the gabbaim in your shul. This is certainly something that a new or seasoned gabbai in your shul or outreach center could benefit from knowing about and joining in on the monthly forum.
During these weeks, Jews around the world perform the act of Sefiras HaOmer, counting the Omer (all the way from the holiday of Passover to Shavuot). And yet, for many of your students and congregants, understanding the mechanics and spiritual significance of this 49 day period is an ominous task. Enter the iPhone App called Sefiros! This App... Read more »
As more and more people carry mobile devices and tablets, eBooks are rising in popularity. And, creating a Jewish eBook or even a collection of essays in this format, can be something that would garner interest to many people—regardless of age or level of observance. So recently, we were asked if we could recommend any free... Read more »

As the head of a small or large Jewish organization, you recently gathered your rabbis and educators to brainstorm and figure out ways in which you can increase enrollment to your classes and up your membership by fifty people over the next year. Upon reviewing your notes from the meeting, you notice that everyone seems to think that it's time for your organization to create a new website. But, is this always true?