researched several educational resources available to rabbis, educators and students to learn and teach Tosfos. We presented the developers of English language Tosfos learning resources with a series of questions to provide insight into how rabbis, educators, and their students can benefit from online
Imagine that you are driving on the highway on your way to visit an old friend. The area is new and unfamiliar. Your GPS has lost satellite reception so you’re forced to rely on the notes that you hurriedly jotted down during the last conversation that you had with your
A few years ago I was learning with a former student of mine who was living in New York. He had been in my shiur while in Yeshiva in Israel and we made up to learn by phone at least once a week to keep the connection and to make sure he had some learning in his week. One night he bemoaned that he wished he had more learning in his life. The problem was that he didn't really have the time or energy to learn because he got up early to go work and
For rabbis and educators who dedicate their life to teaching Torah, it can be difficult to find the time to simply "sit and learn" in a challenging chabura. To help solve this, as a part of their staff enrichment, the National Council of Synagogue Youth (NCSY) is sponsoring a free online learning chabura and is opening it to any rabbi around the globe who may benefit from this new venture.