The Torah iTextbook Project’s library of 20 sugyot was officially unveiled at the 2015 National Jewish Day School conference just a few weeks ago.
Many of the educators who visited our spot at the conference “playground” were extremely positive about the impact that this library could make on their gemara curriculum and some have already begun the process of subscribing to the library for the next school year.
We have updated our website which now includes a free downloadable sample sugyah (Shliach L’Dvar Aveirah), a downloadable brochure explaining the educational goals and objectives of the material and a page which includes information on how your school or organization can subscribe to the project for the 2015-16 school year.
In addition we have partnered with Gemara Berura and have begun the process of uploading our materials onto their online system.
This partnership will allow us to provide our content to Gemara Berura schools as well as to non-Gemara Berura schools who do not have access to iPads or Apple computers.
For more information please visit www.HDSTIP.org.
The Torah iTextbook Project is made possible by a grant from the Jewish Education Innovation Challenge, an initiative of the Mayberg Family Charitable Foundation.