The Mental Health America (MHA) organization established May as Mental Health Awareness Month. MHA educates millions of individuals of the importance of mental health care through the media and programming. MHA offers toolkits and suggesting activities and programs to strengthen mental health in the following areas: mind-body synergy, work-life balance, spirituality and religion, humor, animal companionship, and social connections and recreation.

Please note that rabbis, educators and faculty are advised to refer any students, program participants or congregants who face mental health issues to promptly seek care from qualified mental health professionals. is offering synagogues, schools, yeshivos, outreach organizations, and kollels with the following suggested free classes that can assist in promoting mental health through Jewish connection and learning:


Jewish Belief


Personal Growth and Development

Connecting to Jewish Time


For additional classes, please see the full syllabus of the Olami Morasha Curriculum.


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