At NLE Resources, we keep our eye on the news to bring you timely articles and links that we think a rabbi or Jewish educator would find interesting! We have decided to share some of these links in a weekly feature on the blog. Enjoy!   1) Trapped in an uncomfortable conversation with a coworker? Use... Read more »

Fundraising is not what it used to be few decades ago. While years ago fundraising campaigns were dependant on how many people you personally contacted, now it’s a matter of how well your online marketing campaigns perform. We live in a social media era where most people spend their time engaged
Are you the director or manager of a nonprofit organization (NPO)? Well, I appreciate the fact that you bring good to the world. But I also know that fundraising may turn a tough and challenging task for a NPO. That’s why I collected the following ten tips on how to raise funds to launch your philanthropic projects:
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