NJOP would like to invite you to apply to participate in Sukkot Across America 2016. Simply agree to run a free and exciting program in your sukkah that will appeal to the wider Jewish community on the non-Shabbat days of Chol Hamoed Sukkot: Wednesday, October
On Sukkot, we take a break from our normal lives to remember how Hashem sustained the Jewish People for forty years in the desert – a place so desolate that, according to the laws of nature, they shouldn’t have survived for more than a few days. Why do we dwell in the sukkah each year? What do the seven days of
Imagine the following scenario: One cool October afternoon, a religious man goes to visit his Torah observant therapist to discuss his many stressors. He is uneasy with his material lot, and feels the strain of keeping up with all of the proverbial Goldbergs in his life. It troubles him to see others in his community who live in larger, more
NJOP invites you to apply to participate in Sukkot Across America 2013. Simply agree to run a free and exciting program in your Sukkah that will appeal to the wider Jewish community on Sunday, September 22