Barry Schwartz is the President of RustyBrick, a New York-based web service firm specializing in customized online technology that helps companies decrease costs and increase sales. He is also the Executive Editor of the Search Engine Roundtable, and was instrumental in the creation of the The ArtScroll Talmud App.
Jews around the world know RustyBrick as a company that builds Jewish iPhone and Android apps – such as our Smart Siddur, Kosher restaurant finder, torah studying apps, and even the Artscroll app. But we are also respected for building easy to use and sophisticated web-based software. For years, we often received phone calls from synagogues across the country to build them a web site.
Not really!
The issue is, these synagogues didn’t have budgets to cover the cost to build them a web site and software package that met the quality of the RustyBrick brand. So we often had to turn them away.
Several years ago, we decided to work towards a solution where we didn’t have to turn away these synagogues. That solution is named ShulCloud.
Shulcloud is a web/cloud based software solution that any synagogue can sign up for that includes all the necessary features a synagogue needs to manage members, calendars, billing, their web site and more. The beauty of it is that we can offer it at a low monthly cost because hundreds of shuls can share the cost over time.
The solution provides not just an elegant web site but also gives you sophisticated accounts receivables and online portal access for your members to pay bills on their smartphones or desktop computers. It is the only calendar system to integrate Jewish law for scheduling services by using localized zmanim algorithms to let you set rules to build your calendar dynamically. The communication system allows you to tailor your communication to your members like you wouldn’t believe – from Yahrzeit reminders and billing notifications to upcoming schedule changes and mazal tov announcements.
The best part – it is accessible via any computer, or tablet or smartphone, always backed up, secure and all for a low monthly cost.
So if your synagogue is not using ShulCloud, ask yourself why?
Here is a 90-second video demo of how ShulCloud can help your synagogue.