
The more we invest in planning and setting up our priorities, the more we will succeed in doing what is most important and getting them done faster and better. We should use this type of thinking daily to become more efficient and effective in all that we do.

A – Actions for Hashem,

B – Beg Hashem for help,

C – Chesed/charity,

D – Delegate,

E – Eliminate.

Hashem gives us enough time when we use it properly.

Actions for Hashem

The most important action we are instructed to perform daily is Torah study, which leads us to all forms of action. The only exception is when we are confronted with another mitzvah, whether large or small, that cannot be done by delegating. (Moed Katan 9b.) The most valuable actions you can take each day are sometimes a challenge, but the payoff, benefits and rewards are tremendous. We need to resist the temptation to clear up small things first and focus on, “Torah study exceeds all mitzvos.” (Peah 1:1.)

The most difficult part of an important goal is getting started. When you get into it, you develop the motivation to continue and enjoy it. We pray that we should enjoy the sweetness of Torah and appreciate the significant difference it makes in our lives.

Please click here to continue reading and download the Ebook, How to Organize Your Day.

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