The Year The Jewish calendar is a lunar calendar, based on the cycle of the moon around the earth. This cycle takes twenty-nine and a half days, so the months are alternately twenty-nine or thirty days, except for Cheshvan and Kislev, which can be either twenty-nine or thirty days. [1] There are twelve months in... Read more »
The Origin of Tefillah (Prayer) Tzaddikim felt the need to speak to Hashem and did so in their own words. [1] Avraham initiated prayer in the morning, Yitzchak initiated prayer in the afternoon, and Yaakov initiated prayer in the evening. [2] When the Torah was given, it became a mitzvah to pray to Hashem each... Read more »
The Beginnings of Mankind Adam HaRishon was the first man. Hashem created him from the earth of the ground, and thus he was called Adam, meaning “earth.” Hashem created a wife for Adam. Adam called his wife Chavah because she was the mother of all people. [1] Hashem planted a garden in Eden, to the... Read more »