Google news reported that Clinton's questionable integrity cost her the election. Marc A. Thiessen wrote on September 22, 2016 in The Washington Post, “The American people have been burned, time and again, by Hillary Clinton’s “honesty”... A recent NBC News poll found that just 11 percent of Americans say Clinton is

Every Jewish nonprofit and institution constantly looks for new ways to connect with their congregants, students and donors. And, in our busy world that we live in, doing so can at times be quite the challenge. It goes without saying that in an effort to constantly reach one’s constituency — rabbis, educators and
Yaakov cried because he came without gifts for Rachel. He said, “Eliezer brought nose rings, bracelets and delicacies for Rivkah on behalf of Yitzchak, but I came empty-handed.” Yaakov had no possessions because Eisav sent his son Eliphaz to kill Yaakov but was unable to do so since Eliphaz was influenced by Yitzchak

As a Jewish female educator, if you want to continue giving to others, you also have to invest time to receive. If you are thirsting to fill your own wellspring of advanced Torah learning, then this new weekly shiur is a must. Taught by Rabbi Avraham Edelstein, Director of Neve Yerushalayim and Ner Le’Elef, the shiur is an in-depth