Before discussing what the Torah says specifically about women, let’s first see what it says about all Jews and the mitzvot. Almost all of the mitzvot are dependent on some factor. Some depend on time (like Shabbat and the holidays), some on place (such as the agricultural mitzvot which apply only in
On the morning after the historic upset in the election, the chazzan at the minyan I attended finished the repetition of the Amidah and something unusual occurred. One person called out “Hallel,” indicating that for him it was a miraculous day in which we should sing out to the Almighty in appreciation. Immediately, another person called out “Tachanun,” proclaiming the day as one
As a rabbi or spiritual leader of your community, you are asked fundamental questions of faith by both the scholar and layperson. One question that people ask is, "Why should I care about observing all of the mitzvos?" How All Mitzvos Help Improve Our Middos & Come Close to Hashem, is a free eBook authored by Rabbi Yitzi Weiner, the director of The Community Kollel of Sharon