How do we reach young Jews with a message they are ready to receive, in a place they’ll be able to hear it? That’s a question that has been on the minds of kiruv professionals since the beginning of kiruv. A group of media people have been working on one way to do just that. It’s called Jake TV: a curated, cross-platform
Many of our readers are familiar with the popular NLE Thinking Gemara Series. As many of our readers know, NCSY has recently launched an Education website for teachers, teen advisors, and Jewish Education professionals. As of late, this site began putting together source sheets to facilitate high-level Gemara learning for teens to learn with mentors (yeshiva guys).
KASHRUS Magazine is giving away up to 1,000 FREE one year subscriptions (value $25) to people anywhere in the USA who begin keeping kosher in 5776 (September 2015—September 2016). KASHRUS Magazine, the periodical for the kosher consumer, informs the public on the latest in kosher news. "We want to enhance
Recently, Mishpacha asked, Is the Door Closing on Kiruv? As the national director of AJOP, the Association of Jewish Outreach Programs, I can tell you that the question—Is the Door Closing on Kiruv?—is a good one, yet it totally misses the point. The Door That Became a Homepage
There are a number of shuls across America that both focus on and excel at outreach. However, in light of the Pew numbers and the terrible disappearance of our fellow Jews through intermarriage and assimilation, National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) has decided that they have a tremendous amount to offer shuls when it comes to setting up a successful outreach program. To that end, NCYI has has hired Rabbi Yakov Couzens
On Sunday, I had the privilege of attending a meeting with Jews of different opinions and beliefs (you can see a write up about it here) in Monsey, New York. Some are referring to the meeting as “A Groundbreaking Meeting”; maybe for some it was. However, personally for me it was more of “Bread-breaking meeting” as I had the pleasant opportunity to meet and talk and "break-bread" (there was a really tasty and free catered