Warren Buffet, the third richest man in the world, is renowned as the “Oracle of Omaha” for his legendry investing acumen. In 2013, the Wall Street Journal interviewed a team of industry leaders to capsulate what everyday investors can learn from his investment
Immediately following Matan Torah, Moshe Rebeinu teaches the Mishpatim, the social ordinances which comprise the bedrock of Jewish society. Why is it appropriate to introduce Talmud study to newcomers to Judaism especially in Parshas Mishpatim?
The Concept and Practice of Brachos In Parshas Vayechi, Yaakov Avinu bestows Brachos upon each of the Shvatim. Brachos trigger heavenly benevolence to descend upon the world, thereby sustaining all of creation. The NLE Morasha shiur on The Concept and Practice of Brachos addresses the following questions:
We live in a very public world. This is in large part thanks to the proliferation of blogs and media outlets as well as our own ability to share news, personal thoughts and updates instantly whenever our heart desires. While much of this information is of the same basic variety as news that was commonplace in the days of Web 1.0 or earlier, many of the