As the Kuzari explains, Judaism introduced the world to the universally accepted seven-day week. The culmination of the week for the Jewish people is the Sabbath – a day of rest, connection to God, and rejuvenation. Subsequently, other religions adopted the Shabbat principle by taking a weekly day off from
Every year, we "spring forward" and change the clocks to day light savings time. In many communities, people "make Shabbos early" during the spring and summer months when nightfall is relatively late and they would prefer to eat their Shabbos night meal at an earlier
I might be a techie at Facebook, a photographer at National Geographic, a student at the London School of Economics; any Jewish person. I fly through the week from one project to the next, get prepped for the weekend parties to unwind – to get rewound
NJOP is proud to present three interconnected ways to celebrate Shabbat Across America and Canada: 1) Shabbat Across America and Canada. The original unity Shabbat program, Shabbat Across America and Canada is a synagogue-based program that encourages synagogue/Jewish center members to invite their friends, neighbors and co-workers to participate in a joyous Shabbat meal and experience.
This Shabbos, Jews all over the world are coming together to keep Shabbos. What a great opportunity to brush up on the laws of this special day! To mark the event, Torah Live is rolling out a 50-video course on how to keep Shabbos properly. The videos will cover all the 39 melachos PLUS the laws of medicine on Shabbos, muktzeh,
As a large or small Jewish organization, people will turn to your website wanting to know what time your Shabbat morning services start, when the weekly class is and...what time Shabbat candle-lighting will take place. One of things I love about building WordPress websites is that pretty much any feature you can dream of is already available as a free.
This was different. I’ve run many shabbatons. As I walked into shul on Friday evening, I felt that this was different, that we were connected with Jews celebrating Shabbos all over the world. The frum community loved it. One unexpected outcome was how energized the frum community was after the Shabbos. One shul is now... Read more »
Thousands of Jewish students travel to Israel on many programs. In 2009, the Israel Shabbat Experience began working with various tour operators bringing large numbers of students and young adults to enhance participants’ appreciation of Shabbat. An important part of the
On January 1st, 2010, opened for business with its first member. Now, nearly 300,000 Shabbat invitations later, it is growing exponentially, reaching more Jews than ever! appears on a Google search for "Shabbat"