Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz is the founder and Director of Project Y.E.S. and founder and dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam of Monsey, New York. A gifted educator, he was awarded the 2002 Rockland Educator of the Year Award, and received national recognition as a recipient of the coveted Grinspoon-Steinhart Award for Excellence in Jewish Education. Rabbi Horowitz is the author of Living and Parenting and Let’s Stay Safe! Recently, he has published, Bright Beginnings Chumash Workbook.
At NLEResources.com, we believe that this work can benefit not only the Jewish educator—but can help someone in the kiruv field. After all, while this booklet was produced for children, anyone new to Judaism will also benefit from the coloring and fonts of the words on the translation sheets that are designed to draw the learner’s attention to accurately match the shoresh and the prefix/suffix to their respective meaning.
For more information, you can access these free sample sheets and checkout the video below: