Nowadays, every company and nonprofit organization needs to have an updated and relevant looking website to properly advertise their services and events. In fact, more and more organizations are creating additional websites to advertise their upcoming program, concert, annual dinner, etc.
However, all too often, rabbis and educators are afraid to start the process of building a site for their community kollel or designing a new website for their school for the first time since 1999.
All too often people assume that a website means a huge investment of both time and money—which is something that many busy businessmen and rabbis simply don’t have!
Guess what?
Anyone can use Strikingly to create a mobile-friendly one-page format website that will look fresh and really highlight you and your organization.
According to WebDesignerDepot.com the one-page format is popular today because, “With web users bombarded with so much information, web designers are constantly exploring new ways to deliver content. One-page websites are now being widely adopted with some of the biggest brands in the world using them to provide users with a fast, clean and simple experience that is simultaneously effective and beautiful.”

Strikingly provides a variety of templates that can be customized by hovering your mouse on any element of the template and selecting the edit button. Free Strikingly pages are assigned Strikingly subdomains. Premium accounts can have custom domains such as www.yourlocalkollel.com. Learn more about their free and premium options here.
Still not convinced how your website will appear using Strikingly?
Read the review on PC World here and see the websites below that where all quickly built using Strikingly:
1) Personal Website of Quinnton Harris
2) YAthletics
The next time you are looking to build a mobile-optimized website for your new organization, special event or upcoming fundraising dinner, remember that you can use Strikingly and have your website up and running without no serious background in coding or design.