As we are now weeks into 2015, it’s time to give some thought as to how you are going to market your new classes, programs and fundraising events in the coming months ahead. With a new year comes new trends and while some things are likely to stay the same, we must keep new trends... Read more »
We cover a lot of things here at And so, we wanted to take a look back at our ten most popular posts to reminisce (and to help you catch any stuff you might have missed). We encourage you to look back, catch up, or simply review our ten most popular posts from the past year. Feel free to read these pieces and share them with friends, congregants and colleagues.

At NLE Resources, we field inquiries from rabbis, educators, and nonprofit professionals asking us all sorts of questions. One particular question that we have been asked on more than one occasion is, “I'm looking for a way to livestream my shiurim and events. I'm not a 'tech-geek' and I am looking for an easy and simple way to
We've all heard of Generation X. Commonly abbreviated to Gen X, this is the generation born after the Western Post–World War II baby boom. Next, came Generation Y or Millennials. Researchers and commentators use birth years ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s when they reference Generation Y. However, if
Whether you are writing an email asking for a small donation, turning to loyal members of your synagogue to discuss their involvement in the building campaign or designing your slides to pitch your next big idea, you can increase your credibility with new and established donors with one small change. Roger Dooley reports that, "a recent experiment gave subjects an ad that described a medicine