Is your G-d dead? I don’t mean the G-d of the philosophers or the scholars, but, as Blaise Pascal said, the “G-d of Abraham, G-d of Isaac, G-d of Jacob.” With no disrespect, I hope the question comes as a jolt. And without being outraged or quick to accuse me of “blasphemy,” know, too, that I am a hopeful monotheist. I might even
The current June 2017 edition of National Geographic explores the phenomenon of lying: “In the fall of 1989, Princeton University welcomed into its freshman class a young man named Alexi Santana, whose life story the admissions committee had found extraordinarily compelling. He had barely received any formal schooling. He

Staff from Albert McMahon Elementary School in Mission, British Columbia, Canada sent a letter to its students’ parents, indicating the cancellation of events related to Mother’s and Father’s Day. The letter reads: As Mother’s Day and Father’s Day approach we have met as a Primary (Grade 1 and 2) team to
In last week’s New York Times column, “The Ethicist,” a wife is concerned about her husband’s pejorative speech at home and questioned if the litmus test about whether language was appropriate or not is if it can be repeated in a public forum outside the home. The resident ethicist responded, “The point is that social

As the Kuzari explains, Judaism introduced the world to the universally accepted seven-day week. The culmination of the week for the Jewish people is the Sabbath – a day of rest, connection to God, and rejuvenation. Subsequently, other religions adopted the Shabbat principle by taking a weekly day off from