In the past, we featured posts called, How to Find and Use Free Images for Your Flyers, Websites, Blogs and More as well as 4 New Free Sites to Improve Your Flyers, Websites, Blogs & More. We received several emails of thanks after these posts went live. After all, rabbis and educators are always on the lookout for sites
If you are looking to email a proposal to a donor, a presentation to a student, a weekly Dvar Torah on the Parsha, or a Shul newsletter—chances are that you will want to email your document as a Portable Document Format (PDF). The PDF format was created by Adobe Systems
We are told that today’s students are addicted to their screens. It is true that it is hard for them to sit still for a traditional lecture, but switching to video doesn’t guarantee success. In fact, the majority of videos will not keep the attention of today’s students. It may come as no surprise, but the shorter your video is, the more engaged your students will be. In fact, research shows that on average, engagement by videos
As a small nonprofit organization, we are certain that you are constantly looking for easy fundraising opportunities or different ways to help bring in revenue. Many Jewish organizations are aware of a relatively new fundraising program organized by American Express called: Small Business Saturday. See here for an example of how one
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