Am I Ready To Find My Soul Mate? Gratifying Your Deepest Desires.
Two weeks ago we introduced the new series of four classes on Am I Ready to Find My Soul Mate, affording an intuitive, rational and compelling understanding of “Why Marry Jewish” by discovering one’s soul mate. The shiurim enable students to think about their spiritual identity – their “Self,” or soul, and how awareness of their deeper essence affects how they choose a marriage partner. After this series, students should have a better idea of themselves, the parameters of love, what a soul mate is, and why their soul mate is Jewish.
In the first shiur in this series, Discovering Your Infinite Self, we introduced the idea that each person is created with a soul, which is the essence of the persona. The second class, Gratifying Your Deepest Desires will further develop this concept. As we will learn, the better I understand the soul’s expressions and desires, the more in tune I will be to the idea of building a soul connection with my marriage partner. The most profound level of relationship is at the level of the soul. Marrying someone for motivations that do not emanate from the soul means that I will be off the mark in terms of what is truly best for me.
In the course of this class we will discover that our most basic desires for happiness and fulfillment stem from an awareness of reality at the level of our souls. Yet, when we go about life without this understanding, we inevitably end up seeking merely superficial means of satisfying these basic desires. Finding a spiritual path to their fulfillment will prove to be much more deeply satisfying.
As such, we will be addressing the following questions:
- What is the ideal relationship between body and soul?
- How can we tell if our trajectory in life is going toward a dead end or not?
- How do our spiritual needs manifest themselves in our physical desires?
- Why do we seek honor, and what is the spiritual path to satisfying this desire?
- Why do we seek to accumulate wealth, and what spiritual reality does this desire reflect?
Click here to download the second class on: Am I Ready to Find My Soul Mate II – Gratifying Your Deepest Desires
See the Teacher’s Guide to the Am I Ready to Find My Soul Mate Series