Recently, NCSY released a new Bar Mitzvah infographic! You can see the infographic here. It explains the basics of what it means to become a Bar Mitzvah, analyzes the phrase “Bar Mitzvah,” explores why we make a big celebration, and provides an overview of tefillin. Plus, it also offers a deeper look at tefillin. All in all, this is a great infographic
The Concept and Practice of Brachos In Parshas Vayechi, Yaakov Avinu bestows Brachos upon each of the Shvatim. Brachos trigger heavenly benevolence to descend upon the world, thereby sustaining all of creation. The NLE Morasha shiur on The Concept and Practice of Brachos addresses the following questions:
This is the first article in a series on writing. We will begin by outlining some general tips that should apply to every kind of writing. In future articles, b’ezras Hashem, we’ll build on these ideas and be more specific about how to write speeches, newsletters, fundraising letters, and divrei Torah for publication — which all require different techniques.
NLE Resources contributor Rabbi Naphtali Hoff delivered a session at the recent Aish Conference on parenting. His talk, entitled, “Parenting From the Inside Out: Five Strategies to Help You Raise Happy, Fulfilled, and Connected Children” can be accessed here. It offers practical ways that parents can connect more deeply with their children and makes a special... Read more »