As we begin Sefer Shemot, a new useful teaching aid called Parsha Pages was created thanks to the talented Adele (Lerner) Nemirov. Parsha Pages is a one-page summary of the parsha that can be easily read and enjoyed by students and scholars alike. In short, we are certain you could use the Parsha

Welcome to 2021! This year in particular, your first impressions with everyone – from students to donors – will most likely be…online. And, even though it’s 2021, sending and receiving email is still…king.  Really Good Emails has a huge database of 7,000 marketing emails and newsletters you can search for inspiration to design your own portfolio.... Read more »

In Leadership Mastermind groups, participants share their personal challenges and get input and solutions from their peers. Moshe was struggling. As the lower school principal of a day school in northern New Jersey, Moshe was trying to stay afloat in a pandemic that has sapped all our energy and made school leadership – already a... Read more »

Due to the pandemic, many rabbis, Jewish leaders and students are having to schedule meetings and team calls virtually over Zoom. This usually involves a lot of back-and-forth emails.  Arranging a meeting time that works for all — not only takes up quite some time, but can also become confusing quite easily depending on how... Read more »

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