Ever wondered exactly what top tier PR firms do for their high-flying clients? About 10 years ago, I got a glimpse while working with Koteret, one of Israel’s leading PR firms. One of the services they performed for their Fortune 500 clients was keeping track of “mentions.” Every time a newspaper or blog or any media outlet mentioned the name of their client in Hebrew, it

Google Plus Hangouts on Air or HOA's, are online videos that are broadcast live in HD to a Google+ page, your organization’s YouTube channel and website at the same time. Best of all, HOA's are recorded and automatically saved on your YouTube channel so that your subscribers can watch without any additional effort on your part. You can also convert your HOA into a podcast by following the steps found here. (Read our earlier post about rabbis and podcasts here.)
If you publish a book, people will regard you as an expert. That will increase your marketability. It is also a good take-away for people who come to your talks and want to share your ideas. If you think you don’t have anything worthy of a book, you’re wrong. Everyone is an expert in something, is passionate about something. Writing a book will cement your own ideas, and benefit others
In 2014, Skype and Google Hangouts have become essential tools for people who don't solely operate out of an office all day. These free services also help rabbis and educators stay in touch with their graduates and donors. You can also use video conferencing to learn with your congregants and students as they travel for business or pleasure. In short, nowadays, free video conferencing tools help people in the world of
“TEDTalks, ideas worth spreading” was launched in 1984 focused around the convergence of technology, entertainment and design. Nearly three decades since its inception, rabbis and educators the world over find that TEDTalks serve as great points of education and inspiration. In fact, we have blogged here about where you can find a handy spreadsheet with nearly 900 TEDTalks organized by topic and
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