For anyone running a non-profit who has ever struggled to get participants to show up, volunteers to buy in or donors to sponsor – this training is a game changer. All of the above are actually solved by having a proper marketing strategy and next Thursday, Estie Starr, who worked in marketing for Kiruv for... Read more »

We all love the idea of having “an additional stream of income,” but money doesn’t grow on trees. So is this “secondary income” actually possible? In the frum world, we’re seeing many forms of secondary income streams being added to businesses. Each of these works well in different scenarios. This list is just a starting... Read more »

Today, we’re going to take a little trip into your donor’s head. Why, you ask? Because as uniquely crucial as your organization is, to your donors… it’s just another uniquely crucial organization. One of many they support every year. You can’t fully control how much attention your donors give to you over others. But you... Read more »

Jewish leaders – I’m in awe. Over the past two years, you’ve caught curveball after curveball, showing tremendous resilience as you reinvented yourselves time and again. You’ve shown massive strength. Yet there’s something that can make you stronger still. All Jewish leaders who built something significant in the past century had (at least) one trait... Read more »

What can make you 4x the $$$ in the same amount of time… and saves you from repeating the same info 1,000x to 1,000 customers or students, and scales your business FOR you? We’re talking about an ONLINE COURSE. Online courses have been spreading like wildfire, and are predicted to keep skyrocketing over the coming... Read more »

Harvard Business Review recently noted that, “Wellness will become the newest metric that companies use to understand their employees.”  In the wake of the pandemic, now is the perfect time to make sure your students and young professionals include their spiritual wellness in this new metric. After all, for many years, businesses around the globe... Read more »

It’s officially 2022. Editing video is the new self-publishing. Every nonprofit professional has or is trying to learn it. The two classic standard programs for video editing are very expensive. However, there are a bunch of really good programs for free.  CreativeBloq ran a comparative review of the best free video editing software, which is likely to... Read more »

The COVID-19 pandemic shook us all. Even the biggest businesses in the most stable industries felt this blow. But, nonprofit organizations were seriously affected by the changes imposed on them. In fact, 97% of nonprofits said that they need to innovate in response to the coronavirus pandemic and the pandemic-forced digital switch. Luckily, there are... Read more »

Operating a nonprofit organization successfully requires a lot of hard work and dedication. At times, it can be particularly challenging and even unrewarding. But that’s when you should rely the most on your team’s strength and trust your staff to persevere through these hard times. However, this is only possible if your team is strong.... Read more »

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