Due to the Great Recession, many people have found that the past several years have been really hard for them to make ends meet. And, at a organizational level, it's also been rough. One way that you can supplement income and increase the visibility of your personal and professional brand is to create your very own online course.
As a rabbi or educator, you may very well use your smartphone to record hour long audios or videos of your shiurim and events. Likewise, you likely use your smartphone or tablet to take a slew of pictures to include in your email newsletter or to put up on social media. However, sending these files and
At NLE Resources, we keep our eye on the news to bring you timely articles and links that we think a rabbi or Jewish educator would find interesting! We have decided to share some of these links in a weekly feature on the blog. Enjoy!     1) French school deems 15-year-old student’s skirt an illegal... Read more »

Whether you are a busy nonprofit professional or a fundraiser, you have certainly read through all sorts of business books throughout your career. After all, you are constantly looking to learn new tactics to help your institution secure a bright financial future. Nowadays, in our increasingly busy world, finding the "free time"
In the past, we featured posts called, How to Find and Use Free Images for Your Flyers, Websites, Blogs and More as well as 4 New Free Sites to Improve Your Flyers, Websites, Blogs & More. We received several emails of thanks after these posts went live. After all, rabbis and educators are always on the lookout for sites
If you are looking to email a proposal to a donor, a presentation to a student, a weekly Dvar Torah on the Parsha, or a Shul newsletter—chances are that you will want to email your document as a Portable Document Format (PDF). The PDF format was created by Adobe Systems
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