Recently, I sat down (on Zoom, of course!) with a group of school principals, public and independent, to find out what their top-of-mind concerns were for new teachers trying to succeed in these most unusual times. They shared the following areas as most critical for new (and even veteran) educators if they are to hit the ground running during the first days of the new school

Eli shared a useful tip: When uploading a video to LinkedIn, make sure your first frame isn't black. Or better yet, create a thumbnail that's attractive and will tell me what to expect and convince me to hit that play button. On Vimeo, where I upload most of my video work, I get to choose a thumbnail, either by selecting a frame straight out of the video

I'm in awe of the Jewish leaders I'm privileged to work with.  They've shown enormous resilience and adaptability, pivoting their organizations in so many ways since Purim. At the same time, to thrive moving forward, there’s something more needed. Jewish leaders who've built something significant in the past century, had this trait in common...

The Three Weeks between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av are the low point in the Jewish calendar, marked by commemorations of tragedies that befell the Jewish people throughout their history. The most central of these are the destruction of the First and Second Temples, both occurring on the Ninth of Av. The second destruction

Hey there. It's Naphtali. I’m putting the finishing touches on my much-anticipated Back to School Boot Camp, which I will be co-presenting together with uber-talented educational coach Etti Siegel, MSEd. This Boot Camp will bring together aspiring and experienced educators who want to augment their professional tool kits

Shivah Asar B’Tammuz is the day that the Romans breached the wall of Jerusalem.  Even if the Romans had never destroyed the Beis Hamikdash, that still would have been the end of the Jewish people’s independence.  At that point, we were conquered, and we had become servants of a foreign power.  So our question is

Rabbi Yissocher Frand (On the Parsha 3) shares an eye-opening Midrash from Talmudic times of a Jewish farmer (who we’ll call Reuven) who ran into financial difficulties and was forced to sell his trusted plowing cow. The farmer sold the cow to a non-Jewish farmer (who we’ll call Logan) who was delighted as his newly purchased

As human beings, we tend to gravitate towards activities and pursuits that we are comfortable and confident with. As educators, while we like to stick with techniques and methods that are tried and tested, we are always looking for the “new best way” to reach our students. When the pandemic hit, we were thrown out of our brick and mortar comfortable