A painfully familiar reality for today’s nonprofit and business leaders is understaffing. My clients complain about it all the time. “I don’t have enough people on staff to get our work done.” “If I had better people who could be more efficient with their time, I wouldn’t always feel so feel pressured and stressed.”

An organization is only as good as the people who work there. That’s true if they’re full-time employees or volunteers. The only problem is that when you’re trying to bring in volunteers, one of the biggest carrots companies use to pull in high-quality people – namely financial compensation – isn’t available.

At NLE Resources, we keep our eye on the news to bring you timely articles and links that we think a rabbi or Jewish educator would find interesting! We have decided to share some of these links in a weekly feature on the blog. Enjoy! 1) 6 tips for improving your interactions and opening up communication... Read more »

A company's brand is often more important than the products that it sells. But what is a brand? In fact, it is a name, design, symbol or collection of several elements that distinguishes a product or service from other sellers. What is a Brand Book? A brand book underlines every strong company and self-respecting brand and

Social media could be your best friend in so many ways. For example, if you’re a businessman who’s looking to improve his network’s reach, social channels are the simplest and most effective tools to do that. If you want to effectively organize a charity campaign in today’s “era,” social networks are the way to go. I won’t explain why