It was recently Veteran’s Day. I could not avoid seeing the advertisements for purchasing clothes, gadgets, toys, paper, pens…. In honor of Veteran’s Day. Some of these advertisements stressed that Veterans would receive additional saving as a sign of appreciation. I decided to find out more about

There are life lessons to be seen everywhere, one just needs to have the right spectacles in order to properly see them. -Unknown The camp that I went to took us to a racquetball club on Fridays. This location had racquetball courts, basketball

People will forget what you said. They will forget what you did. But they will never forget how you made them feel. – Maya Angelou The store where I most recently purchased a suit is going out of business. I did not find this surprising, given

As a boss, you want to reward your people for the work that they do every day or for a special effort that they made. You know that gifts can bring joy and also boost workplace morale and engagement. But what is the best way to show your appreciation? Consider the following

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