In previous productivity steps we planned our work (Step 1,) put systems in place to keep our people informed and in sync (Step 2,) and rolled up our sleeves to get work done (Step 3.) Now, we turn our attention to Step 4, Sustaining for Maximal Productivity.  The final three components of Step 4 all... Read more »

Rabbi Yehoshua Pffefer writes, “In Parashas Vayeishev we begin to learn about the importance of dreams. Yaakov Avinu, the Torah informs us, “kept the matter” of Yosef’s prophetic dreams, anticipating their future fulfillment. Ultimately, the dreams were realized when Yaakov and his sons were brought before Yosef, the
You’ve seen them on Zoom a million times. But for some reason, when you first meet them in person, you feel like you’re meeting them all over again. You’ve seen hundreds of pictures of the Grand Canyon. But when you actually stand at its rim, you think, those pictures have absolutely nothing in common with the... Read more »

In a previous series, I laid out a 5-step productivity process for leaders, which I then turned into a Productivity Blueprint (see my bio below for how to access). This post dives deeper into the third of the five steps, doing for maximal productivity. When I was growing up, Duracell was the king of batteries,... Read more »

In a previous series, I laid out a 5-step productivity process for leaders, which I then turned into a Productivity Blueprint (see my bio below for how to access). This post dives deeper into the third of the five steps, doing for maximal productivity. Blocking out time on our calendar is great for diving deeply... Read more »

In a previous series, I laid out a 5-step productivity process for leaders, which I then turned into a Productivity Blueprint (see my bio below for how to access). This post dives deeper into the third of the five steps, doing for maximal productivity. Now that we’ve focused on removing distractions and blocking out time,... Read more »

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