On the morning after the historic upset in the election, the chazzan at the minyan I attended finished the repetition of the Amidah and something unusual occurred. One person called out “Hallel,” indicating that for him it was a miraculous day in which we should sing out to the Almighty in appreciation. Immediately, another person called out “Tachanun,” proclaiming the day as one
With the Democrats successful crowning of a uniquely disliked political figure, and Mickey Mouse the only other figure in American life that seems to draw consistent unsolicited votes, Donald J. Trump has an actual – if long – shot of winning the White House. Trump’s primary success has come to the surprise of much of
The most remarkable thing about the failed coup in Turkey last week is how utterly unremarkable it actually was. While this particular coup was unsuccessful, since 1960 Turkey has been overthrown four times through takeovers organized and perpetrated by its own military.