The home of the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven has been preserved and serves as a museum in Bonn, Germany. One historical gem in the museum is the piano upon which Beethoven composed most of his renowned works. The piano is estimated to be worth more than $50 million and is understandably
“Rabbi, what is that on your wrist?” “It’s a Fitbit.” “Why do you wear it?” “It tracks how many steps I take each day, the quantity and quality of my sleep, and other important pieces of information.” “C’mon Rabbi, sounds like shtick to me. Do you really need that? What does it do for you? You already know you should is honored to have hundreds of rabbis, educators and Jewish leaders contribute to our site. In advance of the upcoming Yomim Noraim, we are thankful to Kollel Ateres Mordechai for providing us with the opportunity to share a newly released transcription of divrei hisorarus delivered by the Telshe
At the start of Chodesh Elul the Tzadik Reb Itzel of Petterburg zt”l stepped up to the Aron Kodesh, opened up its doors, and with tears streaming down his cheeks screamed out, “Modeh Ani Lifanecha! I thank you Hashem! “She’nasata lanu Chodesh Elul,” for giving us this
We all want to begin Elul properly. We heard the shofar this morning in shul and we have just begun the road to repair. We all can certainly improve in our relationships with our fellow Jews. This past Shabbos we read the p’sukim (Devarim 15:7-8): “If there will be among you a needy person, from one of your brothers…, you shall not harden
It's officially Elul! And so, it's a great time to download this new 2-Minute Daily Elul Guide For Today's Busy Jew! In it, you’ll find 40 simple daily steps to arrive prepared for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.