The Trigger Videos section is a centralized location for rabbis and educators to find short videos that can be incorporated into classes and programs. All are under five minutes long unless indicated otherwise. The videos should be previewed before showing to your students. Each video includes a title, name of the producer, URL, brief description, and potential educational and kiruv applications. NLE Resources has not verified the accuracy of the videos.
We encourage you to check back regularly as we frequently post additional Trigger Videos. If you have suggestions or if you think something is missing, please let us know by clicking here.
- Bein Adam L’Chaveiro
- Chanukah
- Contemporary Issues
- Dating, Relationships & Marriage
- High Holidays
- Holocaust
- Israel
- Jewish Calendar Overview
- Jewish Identity
- Kiddush HaShem
- Life Cycle
- Mitzvot
- Personal Growth
- Pesach
- Prayer
- Purim
- Science and Judaism
- Shabbat
- Shavuot
- Spirituality and Kabbalah
- Suffering and Adversity
- Sukkot
- System of Halachah
- Tisha B’Av
- Virtual Hebrew School (for students ages 9-12)