Have you ever wanted to write an email now or on a quiet Motzei Shabbos but send it to a donor, congregant or student at a later date and time? Maybe you are sending a Shana Tova greeting and would like the email message to be delivered on an exact day. Or you have written the reply to an email but would
When it comes to successful social media sites, names such as Facebook or Twitter may quickly pop into your head. Let's be honest, most people don't think of Google+ in the same sentence as those popular social networking sites. In this post, we will explain why you should consider bolstering your presence on Google+, the social networking service owned
Nowadays, everyone talks about trying to reach his or her congregants, donors, and students on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Still, we all know that when it comes to communicating with shul members or trusted donors, it's email marketing
Email is a great vehicle to communicate. Still, because it is sent so rapidly, there are drawbacks to this form of communication. After all, studies show that a whopping 50% of all emails are misunderstood (see here and the infographic below)! Likewise, people send email, and then realize after the fact that they did not bcc... Read more »