Moshe is introduced to us as an infant, floating down the Nile River in a reed basket. His mother had placed him in the water under the watchful eye of his elder sister Miriam, in a desperate attempt to preserve his life. Despite this tumultuous beginning, Moshe experienced a relatively tranquil, privileged upbringing. While bathing in the Nile, Pharaoh’s daughter found the Hebrew
In our first essay, we discussed how knowing one’s objective and responding effectively to external threats and distractions – qualities personified by Mattisyahu – can be difference makers in our desire to inspire and advance our organizations. In this article we will seek to identify additional leadership qualities of the Chashmonaim
As a leader, you know that leadership offers great opportunities to guide and inspire others, to set the agenda and see it to fruition. However, it also can place us in compromised situations, where we feel as if we have lost control of the situation around us and need to engage in damage control. There are even times when we step into a leadership role