In the past, we have written all about infographics (see here and here for example) and have even amassed a large collection of Jewish infographics (here and here)! Just in time for Rosh Hashanah, the fine folks over at NCSY Education have created a helpful new infographic called: Shofar Thoughts — 10 Ideas to Consider During Shofar Blowing. This infographic answers
The Public Relations Society of America defines public relations as, “a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.” The word “publics” could be defined as a customer, potential student or community member. In short, it encompasses anyone who interacts with or is impacted by your nonprofit organization on any level. Being... Read more »
In the past, we have written all about infographics (see here and here for example) and have even amassed a large collection of Jewish infographics (here and here)! Thankfully, we recently received word that — in time for the High Holidays — NCSY created a Yom Kippur infographic for their NCSY Staff Education website. As with their other infographics, it’s really fantastic and addresses Hashem’s
In the past, we have written all about infographics (see here and here for example) and have even amassed a large collection of Jewish infographics (here and here)! Nowadays, it seems that everywhere you turn there’s an infographic presenting information to the masses. People love infographics because they easily convey information in a visual way—and best of all, infographics
Recently, Pew Research released a report about social media usage. Take a look at the chart below showing combinations of social networks that people use: It's clear that Facebook is by far the most popular social network. Why? Facebook touches half of the Internet-connected human race. There are millions of Facebook users who have not yet
At NLE Resources, we keep our eye on the news to bring you timely articles and links that we think a rabbi or Jewish educator would find interesting! We have decided to share some of these links in a weekly feature on the blog. Enjoy! 1) Jerusalem tries to put brakes on massive housing development Read more »