As the head of a small or large Jewish organization, you recently gathered your rabbis and educators to brainstorm and figure out ways in which you can increase enrollment to your classes and up your membership by fifty people over the next year. Upon reviewing your notes from the meeting, you notice that everyone seems to think that it's time for your organization to create a new website. But, is this always true?
A challenge for today’s organizational leaders is to find ways to encourage younger constituents to assume meaningful service roles within their organizations. Many factors contribute to the challenge, including the fact that potential lay leaders maintain busy lifestyles, juggling a full (if not extended) workday, together with familial and other responsibilities. When considering how to engage today’s younger generation, it is important to know that its members largely operate by a
We live in a digital age. According to a survey conducted by, the average adult spends five hours a day on the internet. Between being at work, surfing the web on a desktop or searching on a mobile device, a very large chunk of time is spent online. Therefore, by not promoting your non-profit organization online, you are
An animated GIF is a series of still image frames coded into a single file. While animated GIFs have been popular online for years, they are now increasingly popular and often go viral across social media and blogs. Ready to learn how you can use a GIF to get your organization attention and market your programs? Here we go!
Getting people to help you in fundraising or come to your event can be a difficult task. This is even truer when it comes to trying to host any sort of fundraiser around Pesach. Let's be honest: If people have time, it's dedicated to cleaning and preparing for Pesach—and not giving dozens of hours to plan a large fundraiser or train for a marathon. That's why a Pre-Pesach Car Wash is the perfect fundraising idea for
According to the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Fundraising Effectiveness Survey Report, 105% of donors gained by nonprofits were offset by lapsed donors. Let that sink in for a minute: for every 100 new donors that came through the door, 105 walked out. Not exactly the growth most nonprofits are looking for. One of the best ways to improve your donor churn rate is to improve your donor communications.
At NLE Resources, we field inquiries from rabbis, educators, and nonprofit professionals asking us all sorts of questions. One particular set of questions that we have been asked on more than one occasion is, "Where can we find free high-quality pictures to use for our flyers, websites, etc?" "Is there a place online to find great free images to add more visual appeal to my classroom or enrich our email newsletters?"
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