Starting a podcast is quite the experience and something that I had no intent of doing just a short time ago. Sure, I was aware of the wide range of podcasts and how some podcasters had achieved great things and developed wide followings. But with everything else that I had going on, and with zero personal experience with

The greatest window of opportunity to meet, teach, inspire and follow-up with the largest numbers of Jews during the year is over Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. Shuls, community outreach centers, kollels and campus venues report attendance increases during the Yamim Noraim from 50 to 400 participants. What kinds of programs and beginners minyanim can... Read more »

A fundraising campaign can help your nonprofit organization raise money for any cause. While donations may come rolling in during the early days of your fundraiser, you may hit a mid-campaign slump. But don’t fret – these plateaus are completely normal, and you’ll have no problems if you learn how to navigate these