One of the top trends in education is re-designing the 21st century classroom. Our students need and deserve better than the status-quo: a lecture-based, stagnant classroom. Our classrooms should enhance and increase pedagogy and the learning process, not hold it back. At Harkham Hillel Hebrew
Imagine that you are driving on the highway on your way to visit an old friend. The area is new and unfamiliar. Your GPS has lost satellite reception so you’re forced to rely on the notes that you hurriedly jotted down during the last conversation that you had with your
Leadership may not be the first word that comes to mind when describing teachers. In fact some comprehensive lists of teacher descriptors, such as this one, include such predictable terms as prepared, enthusiastic, and supportive, but mention nothing specific about
With the Book of Bereishit upon us, I want to share with you a website called: ClassTools. Classtools has a bunch of games that you can create for your classes to provide a unique type of assignment. When I first searched through the website, three jumped out at me. Twister (a mock Twitter account), SMS (a mock text message exchange), and Fakebook (a mock Facebook account).
The summer is a great time for educators to reflect and think of new teaching methods, tools and visual aids that they can use to enhance both their teaching and their classroom setting. With this in mind, we want to bring to the attention of all the rabbis and educators who read, that as a service to the Jewish community, the Star-K has released—free of
Technology is changing faster than ever. It is affecting the way in which our students learn and show interest in the classroom. Looking for ways to bridge the gap between the “out of touch” teacher and the tech-savvy student, educators around the world are beginning to implement Game Based Learning (GBL) in their classroom and homework... Read more »