Currently, those who learn or teach a Daf Yomi shiur are entrenched in studying Yevamos. This tractate discusses many intricate cases that involve cases of Yibum and Chalitza. Many find that the cases are best understood only after drawing charts and illustrations to visualize each case theGemara discusses. And so, we are pleased to let our readership
The summer is a great time for educators to reflect and think of new teaching methods, tools and visual aids that they can use to enhance both their teaching and their classroom setting. With this in mind, we want to bring to the attention of all the rabbis and educators who read, that as a service to the Jewish community, the Star-K has released—free of
When it comes to learning about Jewish history, there are many wonderful books and websites out there to help you with your own study and to refer to students and congregants. However, as a rabbi or educator, it is hard to find time to extensively prepare for classes or learn about unknown but important figures from our past. Enter Dr. Hillel (Henry) Abramson.
There is certainly much hype and excitement about drinking on Purim. On the one hand, drunkenness is condemned, forbidden, and admonished against – to varying degrees – in the Torah, Prophets, Writings, Talmud, and Jewish ethical literature. Intoxication can lead to loss of self-control, alcohol addiction, transgression, weakened morality, and crime. In contrast, we are surprised to read an offbeat line
Over the last ten years, the world has entered a new era: the Digital Age. Business, shopping and entertainment - people's entire lives - have moved online. The Kiruv world has not been slow to respond and today there is a wealth of resources available online as well as digital-savvy organizations using the web to reach out to new audiences.
Ten days ago, 850,000 Jews converged on the streets of Jerusalem for the biggest funeral in Israel’s history -- the funeral of Rav Ovadia Yosef. News agencies around the world covered Rav Ovadia’s passing, and recorded the highlights of the life of this great rabbi, political leader and social revolutionary.