The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) has recently created “Gabbai2Gabbai,” a monthly forum via conference call to aid the development of the gabbaim in your shul. This is certainly something that a new or seasoned gabbai in your shul or outreach center could benefit from knowing about and joining in on the monthly forum.
During these weeks, Jews around the world perform the act of Sefiras HaOmer, counting the Omer (all the way from the holiday of Passover to Shavuot). And yet, for many of your students and congregants, understanding the mechanics and spiritual significance of this 49 day period is an ominous task. Enter the iPhone App called Sefiros! This App... Read more »
Want to use Pinterest but aren't sure you have any content to post on the popular social media site known as: Pinterest? Don't worry. You too can tap into this powerful marketing tool to build trust and engage your students while increasing your nonprofit’s visibility! Not convinced that Pinterest is powerful? Consider this: Pinterest drives more traffic to BuzzFeed than Twitter!
As the head of a small or large Jewish organization, you recently gathered your rabbis and educators to brainstorm and figure out ways in which you can increase enrollment to your classes and up your membership by fifty people over the next year. Upon reviewing your notes from the meeting, you notice that everyone seems to think that it's time for your organization to create a new website. But, is this always true?
Osek Bemitzvah Patur Min Hamitzvah, Multitasking Mitzvot – Should you ever stop doing one mitzvah to go do another? (Sukkah 25a) Halachah, Jewish law, is the framework for the way we navigate our lives. Depending on the dynamics of each day, and the opportunities and challenges that arise, we are empowered with free will to reach our... Read more »
Some Jewish holidays are widely practiced. Others are often ignored. Yet, whether popular or not, the Jewish holidays are largely misunderstood. Of course, Chanukah is about light and Passover is about freedom, but there is so much more. Each Jewish holiday has much to teach us. Still, the Jewish holidays are more than a collection of individual days
A challenge for today’s organizational leaders is to find ways to encourage younger constituents to assume meaningful service roles within their organizations. Many factors contribute to the challenge, including the fact that potential lay leaders maintain busy lifestyles, juggling a full (if not extended) workday, together with familial and other responsibilities. When considering how to engage today’s younger generation, it is important to know that its members largely operate by a
We live in a digital age. According to a survey conducted by, the average adult spends five hours a day on the internet. Between being at work, surfing the web on a desktop or searching on a mobile device, a very large chunk of time is spent online. Therefore, by not promoting your non-profit organization online, you are
An animated GIF is a series of still image frames coded into a single file. While animated GIFs have been popular online for years, they are now increasingly popular and often go viral across social media and blogs. Ready to learn how you can use a GIF to get your organization attention and market your programs? Here we go!