In talking about cognition you need to talk about epistemology, the branch of philosophy that deals with knowledge: how do you know what you know?  We talked about the scale of cognition as ranging from skepticism on the left hand end of the scale, which posits you can

Mondays can be challenging. As the first day back to work, it requires us to leave behind our relaxing weekends and jump back into the grind. Making matters worse, we have to reestablish routines that got interrupted by the relative serenity of Saturday and Sunday. No wonder some

“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.” Albert Schweitzer In his bestselling book Drive (pp. 154-155), author Dank Pink references a 1962 conversation between Congresswoman Claire Boothe Luce and President John F. Kennedy. Sensing

Jews around the world are shocked to hear about the horrific synagogue shooting that took place in Pittsburgh this Shabbat that claimed the innocent lives of eleven people. There are no words that can express the communal devastation felt throughout the entire city of Pittsburgh. In fact, ahead of their game on Sunday, the local NFL team... Read more »

Dear Talmid, I was delighted to get your letter asking for hadracha in your learning. The fact that you are asking for hadracha is in itself the greatest step towards recharging your drained spiritual batteries. Mori v’rebbi Rav Moshe Shapira zt”l once asked me, “Why should I fly to

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