It’s a central part of far too many organizations. Bickering. The lack of healthy communication. Folks sitting quietly at their desks, hoping to stay under the radar and not be burdened with more work, let alone someone else’s work. People prioritizing their wants and needs over those of the team, or those of their own team over the organization as a whole.

For millions of people worldwide, the act of taking selfies has become an integral part of the social media experience. Selfies are internationally pervasive and evoke strong reactions from those who encounter them. In a hysterical clip about selfies, comedian Sebastian Maniscalco hits hard on selfie takers. In his words, the act of taking a selfie should
Imagine a State of the Union address that – instead of measuring progress relative to the promises made during the most recent election campaign – used the yardstick of the values and goals articulated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  Such an exercise would certainly provide a deeper and broader

For more than a decade, Theo Henry was more than simply our custodian at Boca Raton Synagogue. He was truly a part of our family. Literally thousands of minyanim, programs, events, and classes could not have happened without his hard work and dedication.  Theo was a permanent presence in our Shul:  setting up,

It’s been really cold these days, as I write these words the actual temperature is 7 degrees above zero with the “real-feel” at -18 degrees! Last night at about 8 PM or so the temperature outside was more or less the same as now. I had a quandary; I wanted to attend a vort of a very good friend of mine which was being held at Beth Shalom which is located

Seeking spirituality is hot today. To such an extent that even Oprah Winfrey produced a seven-part television mini-series in 2015 entitled “Belief” exploring faith and spirituality. Atlantic Magazine reported on October 18, 2015, “The breathtaking aesthetics of ‘Belief’ are reason enough to watch. Oprah spent a heap of cash over

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