This week’s parasha, in describing Moshe’s plea to Hashem about his immediate successor, details what true leadership looks like. “Let the L-rd, the G-d of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, who may go out before them, and who may go in before them, and who

I remember the comment as if it were yesterday. As a high school teacher living in Chicago, I had been invited to a school weekend “spirit” event for students and faculty at an area hotel. The facility’s sat on a sprawling property and its layout was unconventional to say the least, which made navigation from one place to another
The importance of each individual is certainly something that we are all aware of. We see at the outset of this week’s parasha (as well as countless other sources) that Hashem loves each of us, independently and collectively, and views our very existence as an opportunity to demonstrate that love. The Lord spoke to
I recently had a conversation with a financial executive who we’ll call Dan. At one point the conversation shifted to personal matters, such as where he lives and details about his family. Dan told me that he lives in Central Long Island (NY) and is the proud father of four children. I asked Dan if he had a boat and he

Pesach commemorates the redemption of a band of Hebrew slaves from extended, torturous Egyptian bondage. We sit around a regal table as kings and queens, as we recall our ancestors’ transition from servants to freedmen and celebrate their glorious fate on that special date some 3,300 years ago. However,

  One of the most widely watched TED talks on education was delivered by Rita Pierson. In a moving talk entitled, “Every Kid Needs a Champion,” Pierson, a second-generation educator, emphasized the importance of building relationships with students. She details her experience working with some of the hardest challenges in the system: kids who haven’t... Read more »