While there are sites on the internet for one to turn to and read an inspiring thought or interesting story, there aren't as many that help both the scholar and layperson really "dig into" the world of Halacha. To that end, we featured a blogpost called: Halachipedia: A New Resource for Researching Halacha. This site is one that continues to grow and
At NLE Resources, we keep our eye on the news to bring you timely articles and links that we think a rabbi or Jewish educator would find interesting! We have decided to share some of these links in a weekly feature on the blog. Enjoy! 1) How Our Synagogue Is Attracting Young Adults http://bit.ly/1rVegpE 2)... Read more »

The news is still both fresh and numbing. There are no words that can express the communal devastation. All of the Jewish community is in mourning over the tragic deaths of Rabbi Moshe Twersky, Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky, Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg, Rabbi Kalman Zeev Levin and Zidan Nahad Seif. May Hashem comfort the families amongst the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and spare Klal Yisroel any further suffering.

For rabbis and educators who dedicate their life to teaching Torah, it can be difficult to find the time to simply "sit and learn" in a challenging chabura. To help solve this, as a part of their staff enrichment, the National Council of Synagogue Youth (NCSY) is sponsoring a free online learning chabura and is opening it to any rabbi around the globe who may benefit from this new venture.
One of the greatest joys that a rabbi or educator can feel is when their student or congregant has really mastered the ability to learn halachic works or a daf of Gemara on their own. At the same time, even those who reach this level struggle when they come across an unknown keyword or phrase. After all, only someone who spends years in yeshiva truly knows the meaning of each of these terms and can explain how it applies to the rest of the sugya or

Currently, those who learn or teach a Daf Yomi shiur are entrenched in studying Yevamos. This tractate discusses many intricate cases that involve cases of Yibum and Chalitza. Many find that the cases are best understood only after drawing charts and illustrations to visualize each case theGemara discusses. And so, we are pleased to let our readership