At NLE Resources, we are always looking for free and helpful resources that will help your shul, school and institution run effectively and efficiently. In this post, we want to share with you two wonderful resources that will help a young or old shul move in a positive direction. The first resource we want to bring to your attention is called: This site is run by Mark
The summer is a great time for educators to reflect and think of new teaching methods, tools and visual aids that they can use to enhance both their teaching and their classroom setting. With this in mind, we want to bring to the attention of all the rabbis and educators who read, that as a service to the Jewish community, the Star-K has released—free of
Recently, US News and World Report noted (see here) that the youngest "Baby-Boomers" have now turned 50. The article goes on to discuss how this massive generation is now on the cusp of retirement, and by extension, there are many implications that will be seen throughout the United States. At a Jewish communal level, this news is also worth noting.
Jews around the world have been praying, performing acts of kindness, attending concerts and rallies, and even turning to social media and starting the hashtag #bringbackourboys, in hopes of seeing Eyal Yifrach, Gilad Shaar and Naftali Fraenkel return speedily and safely home. Unfortunately, this will not be the case. There are no words that can express the communal devastation. All of the Jewish community is in mourning over the loss of these three