Mazal tov! You want to publish a book! Or maybe not. Maybe the mazal tov is still a ways off, but you are polishing up your manuscript and want to publish ten copies to give friends for them to critique. If possible, you want to avoid paying a publisher and you have some basic computer skills. Is there a way to self-publish?

At NLE Resources, we keep our eye on the news to bring you timely articles and links that we think a rabbi or Jewish educator would find interesting! We have decided to share some of these links in a weekly feature on the blog. Enjoy!  1) 12 Sentence Starters that Inspire Courage 2) America’s ‘retail apocalypse’... Read more »

Until recently, Torah resources for the hard of hearing have been hard to come by. But that’s all about to change. Torah Live has partnered with Torah Captions to add closed captions to its videos. Courses such as Anger, Chanukah, Speech (The Lost Light), and Sefer Torah are now available with closed captions. (80% of the
Nonprofit organizations differ radically from any business entity due to their very core. If business organizations are aimed at making money, nonprofit entities have a noble purpose of helping others. That’s why running a nonprofit organization is a totally different case that demands paying much more attention to details to be
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