We are told that today’s students are addicted to their screens. It is true that it is hard for them to sit still for a traditional lecture, but switching to video doesn’t guarantee success. In fact, the majority of videos will not keep the attention of today’s students. It may come as no surprise, but the shorter your video is, the more engaged your students will be. In fact, research shows that on average, engagement by videos
Recently, NonProfit Tech for Good published a detailed list of how donors and volunteers have embraced the Internet for news, entertainment — and even charitable contributions. Below, we present you with the findings that will be most relevant to a Jewish organization.
As a rabbi and educator who works for a school, shul or nonprofit organization, you do not solely represent yourself. You also represent the place in which you are employed. Everything that you say and write is representative of all that you and the institution that you are affiliated with stands for and preaches on a daily basis.
How to Use Instagram Video With 20 billion photos already shared on Instagram, about 60 million are added each day. When Twitter first launched in 2006, many were unsure how to use it and asked, “what was the point of a medium that only sends out 140 character messages at a time?” Today, Twitter is... Read more »
At NLEResources.com, we aim to provide you with the latest ways that you can reach your audience and enhance your programming and marketing. To that end, that we’ve written posts showing you how you can best use Vine or Raise Your Visibility Using Pinterest! In this post, we are going to explore how you can use
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